Child Safety

At Don Bosco Primary School, we acknowledge and understand that child safety is the responsibility of every person and is an integral aspect of student wellbeing. We aim to work collaboratively with parents, students and other community members to ensure a safe school environment.

Our commitment to the protection of students is based in our belief that each person is made in the image of God and our ethos is to provide a safe and supportive environment. All students have the right to expect that the school will always act to protect them from any kind of harm.

Don Bosco Primary School has a strong commitment to the care, safety and wellbeing of all students at our school. The policies below contain procedures and strategies developed to keep students safe from harm, including all forms of abuse in our school environment, online, and in other locations provided by the school.

Should you need to report an issue, discuss any of these policies or require a translation of any of the information please contact the school office or email

The following documents and links provide further information about Child Safety: